
Showing posts from December, 2019



The man climbing the woman part 2

After seeing a zoomed out version, the image is not photoshopped. The man is climbing a building with a picture of a woman on it. When zoomed in, there are more possibilities to get creative with what could be happening than there are zoomed out. It is one continuous image. The location seems very industrial. There are many people working and the building is tall and seems more industrial and hefty. The audience it is directed towards is probably younger, trying the teach perspective and how you're not alone. The expression on the girls face seems kind of sad. The title, "The Last Girl," suggests that she feels alone.

Space project


The man climbing the woman

In this image, the man is climbing a strand of the women's hair. This image is very artistic, it isn't possible for a man the be that tiny, but in art it's possible. This image is photoshopped very well. It makes me think of the movies or a romantic novel. What I think of is how the man is trying to figure out this woman. Every step he climbs up, the more he understands.